
Ino­matic CAN Bus Adapter/ i/o-Mod­ule

Our CAN bus adapter or rather i/o mod­ule are space-sav­ing all-round sys­tems: Due to the com­pact com­po­nent den­sity on the con­troller, we can offer you a par­tic­u­larly small design. The i/o mod­ule is used when­ever dis­crete sig­nals need to be con­verted into CAN mes­sages or as soon as CAN mes­sages from dif­fer­ent CAN bus sys­tems within the vehi­cle need to be log­i­cally linked (vehi­cle gate­way). Here, the wiring effort is con­sid­er­ably reduced due to the CAN bus tech­nol­ogy.

Each i/o mod­ule is multi-volt­age capa­ble in the range of 9.8 - 32VDC. The power and sig­nal out­puts of the CAN-Matic and CAN-Tronic are short-cir­cuit proof. The CAN bus on our i/o mod­ules is stan­dard­ised accord­ing to ISO11898-2 and oper­ates at a data rate of up to 1 MBit/s. Fur­ther­more, the mod­ules can be pro­grammed by us accord­ing to your pref­er­ences.


Spe­cial Fea­tures of our Sys­tems

A spe­cial fea­ture is the CtC mod­ule or rather the Ct-RS232 mod­ule, which ports the ser­ial data traf­fic through a direct 1:1 passthrough to another pro­to­col level. For exam­ple, a pro­pri­etary pro­to­col can be received on one sys­tem inter­face and out­put as a CiA447 pro­to­col on the other. Vice versa, it is also pos­si­ble to receive CAN data and to con­vert and out­put them as RS232 on the other sys­tem inter­face.

Areas of Appli­ca­tion

As a com­pany that has spe­cialised in prod­ucts for the tech­ni­cal equip­ment of spe­cial-pur­pose vehi­cles, we attach great impor­tance to easy han­dling made in Ger­many: The ino­matic CAN bus adapters or rather each i/o mod­ule can be utilised for sys­tems from other man­u­fac­tur­ers and are used, for exam­ple, by fire brigades, police cars and agri­cul­tural machin­ery.




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