Lardis goes Mangora, Lardis one, LArdis pilot, Mangora, inomatic, Bedienteil

LARDIS goes inomatic Mangora ®

Parallel to the current developments, a major topic is the cooperation with the companies RTM:IT from Fürth near Nürnberg Germany and the LARDIS -sales organization elw-tec/Abel&Käufl from Landshut near Munich Germany. The innovative radio control systems LARDIS ONE and LARDIS PILOT are widely used in the European market and have been used by many authorities, organizations and municipalities for years. The aim of the cooperation is to transfer the existing software application of the LARDIS system to the new multifunctional touch display MANGORA X-7. This resulted in the new software licenses “LARDIS ONE Mangora” and “LARDIS PILOT Mangora”.

Due to the direct integration of the LARDIS system into the inomatic MANGORA -APP, in addition to the simple operation of single or multiple TETRA and analog radios, an automatic routing of the navigation system can take place in the event of an operation by the transmission of the data via TETRA-SDS by the control station. Similarly, short messages and status messages can be sent and received from the operations control center by the MANGORA via LARDIS ONE and LARDIS PILOT.

The connection of TETRA radios of the manufacturers MOTOROLA and SEPURA, or of a LARDIS system is done via the inomatic CT-RS232 module. For the control of the special signalling system, the MANGORA® is connected to the inomatic central electronics via CAN bus as previously.

We are pleased about the successful cooperation with our partners RTM:IT and elw-tec/Abel&Käufl and look forward to further exciting projects.

Further information about LARDIS-ONE and LARDIS-PILOT can be found on the web at and

If you have any questions about the operating system, please contact our sales department at


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