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Mangora digital audio interface, Digirec 1000, Digirec, Digirec Ersatz, inomatic DAI, Besprechungseinrichtung, audio recorder

Mangora Digital Audio Interface (DAI)


The Mangora Digital Audio Interface (DAI) is a modern equivalent of the previous Digirec 1000 and offers many useful advantages in out-of-vehicle communications to inform residents in the danger zone. The transmission to the outside takes place via the sound sequence amplifier to the pressure chamber loudspeakers. In addition, this function can be used inside…

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Rettmobil, interschutz, inomatic

Rettmobil / Interschutz 2022


Rettmobil and Interschutz 2022

This year we will be exhibiting at both the RETTmobil in Fulda and the Interschutz in Hannover. We are looking forward to a common exchange, good and constructive conversations as well as to the presentation of our product innovations. Visit us from May 11.-13 in hall 7 booth 706 in Fulda…

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20 years inomatic GmbH

20 years inomatic GmbH


Now it is 20 years since inomatic GmbH was founded and then based at the Nordhorn Technology Center (GTZ) for 10 years. Reason enough to honor this anniversary in a celebration and to review the still young history in fast forward.

Founded in 2002, the goal was to develop and manufacture customer-specific control electronics. In…

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CAN-Gateway, freely programmable, CAN-Tronic Designer

CAN-Gateway, freely programmable | CAN-Tronic Designer


CAN gateway , freely programmable | CAN-Tronic Designer

Using the new CAN-Tronic Designer in the inocreator, the vehicle signals can be freely assigned to the individual outputs of the CAN-Tronic control unit. The selection of the base vehicle is done via a drop-down list, the assignment of the respective signals to the individual outputs is…

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