Customer message – Worldwide shortage of electronic components

Dear Sir or Madam,

After initial reports from distributors at the end of 2020, a rapid momentum has now set in regarding the shortage of electronic components.

Why are components now difficult or impossible to obtain?

All car manufacturers worldwide are focusing very strongly on the development of electric cars and have made giant strides in the last 2 years. In the meantime, this has led to a very heavy burden on the semiconductor industry, because a very large market demand has arisen here in a short time.

In this respect, another point arising in parallel is the Corona pandemic. The switch to home office work has led to an explosion in demand for IT equipment, which has put further pressure on the semiconductor sector.

Last but not least, Asian manufacturers of cell phones, who have hardly been known in this country so far, have declared war on the market giants such as Apple, Samsung or Huawei for market shares. We have learned from a reliable source that one of these still largely unknown manufacturers alone has ordered 240 million components for the production of cell phones for the year 2021.

On the supplier side, production capacities could not be adjusted correspondingly quickly. In the age of globalization and the use of Internet portals, it should be noted that some semiconductors are currently no longer available worldwide, and delivery times hover around 50 weeks.

If the electronics market continues to develop in the next 2 months as it did in the last month of February, inomatic may experience production and delivery delays.

Please consider this fact for and with your next, new orders.

In order to guarantee your continuous supply with goods, we will support you as good as possible and of course keep you informed about the further development.

Should delivery bottlenecks become apparent for orders/call-offs/blanket orders already in progress, we will contact you proactively in this regard.


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